Sunday 2 March 2014

A new foreword or bit of pre-amble or whatever is the best term to describe what I have decided to do as of today, March 2, 2014.

I got some professional input and came to the conclusion that most of what she had to say is right. People don't want chapters of 7,000+ words in one go on an iphone or any other similar device. Even on their laptops, that's a lot of material to digest. So ...I pulled all the posts that I had done up to this point.

I am going to start posting my book again from the beginning, but, this time, in more manageable chunks.

The title page and the first part of my preface will go up in the next 24 hours or so.

But I also must re-iterate why I am so driven: I think I have cracked the most central problem of our time: moral realism. Finding a connection between the scientific worldview and the moral/philosophical/spiritual one. I'll keep hammering at this till I go down folks. It's that important. And maybe, maybe ...people really will start to get it.

Finnegan, begin again.

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