Saturday 19 July 2014

One of my own. The universe insists, each hour: "I am here. Now, deal with it." 


Ripped entrails waft blood-scented steam
From snow bank punched by scarlet well
Ice crystals trail intestine, pale
By chips of bone, and bits of horn

Out of a severed head, the grey tongue lolls
Glazed marble eyes gape wide as now the stag
Sees clear -- at last -- his own dark mystery

Mind is matter.

Dim voices, human, far depart
As truck roars into steel unlife

So in a place inside yourself
So cruel it terrified yourself
You hid this picture, came to stare
In lurid-fixed trance aware
At steam which billowed into air
Too icy cold for flies

Sneaked out of Sanity, you did
Sneaked out when Self was busy
Sneaked out and by this mind waste hid

And stared till you were dizzy

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