Monday 24 November 2014

Cobra Lunch

The t.v. screen goes blank, then green,
Split by a serpent's pupil, black.
Down glowing matrix glass, a track
Of dead cells slice.

Stunned like a rat, pink-nosed and fat,
'Neath shadows of the sheaves of grain,
Slumped, mesmerized, in awe of Pain,
I hear soft words that reassure
"Don't fffear! Don't move! Don't even sssstir!"
Hiss-words my sad, small self entice.

The galaxies wheel back and freeze
My steady heart to ice.
O cobra saint, unwarm, unquaint!
Sink onto knees! Oh no! Oh please!

Despair is Joy! The spirit longs!
-- Attention! Rapture! Welcome fangs! --
Longs to endure swift venom pure,

And bid adieu to air.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

The Taint

From infinite black emptiness
Stung here and here by burning points
Disturbed by waves of gravitons
Thus momently asserting time
She spies and picks a piece of light
And holds it up to study close

A gem exuding beauty rich
Complete, precise and intricate
Of color, clarity, and shape
Of aromatic bouquet ripe

The tears well up and brim her eyes
As joy transmutes to helpless fear
Then anguish, crushing to despair
When, straining every cell, she tries
To now recall the place from where
She plucked the gem of crystal ray
To fit the template back to stay
But finds on fumbled, failed attempt
She cannot ever put it back
No treasure's from decay exempt
Once taint, it rots to empty black.

Friday 14 November 2014

Terrible Beauty

Mister Smugly C. Confident lies in his bed.
He's thinking his thinking is All in his head.

With terrible beauty the mind’s eye can see
Comes Allah, blotting memory, meaning, and “me”.

Blotting meaning from “me”, like a match on the sun;

One is all endlessly, one is All, All is one. 

Saturday 8 November 2014

T.K.O. Life in Forty 

the dark dark waters of the lake

that look so cold

lie, lightly furrowed under lowering clouds
below pine-shaggy hills

Don't dive. Don't even think it.
Stay as you are.

Mostly now I listen.

I'm forty-one.

My kids tell me about life.
My wife has left.

Do people learn?
I ... nations ... any one sad sapient soul


Me. People passing in the street.
History. Science. Philosophy.

The Eternal Sea of Strife called "Daily Life".


Mostly now I listen.

The water looks so cold.

I'm forty-one. 

Monday 3 November 2014

Non Nomination

Do not name it.

Hear you?                   


Do                   not                   name                     it

Names are dungeons

What the trembling aspens murmur
Seas eternal faintly whisper
Deep within the Earth a shudder
As the stars shrug off their armor

Suddenly, you're in the timber

See the nameless tracks ahead ... there

Stalk the scent in desperate hunger

Poise predation's ancient silence

Rustling grasses, trickling sunlight

Scent the blood; you are the deer, and then

You are the cat. 

Just for today                        

In every way that meaning may be done
It may be un

The concrete base where mind is traced
Will be erased

Thus in capricious agony
In garden-jungle Memory

There flits my Sanity, my Me