Monday 24 November 2014

Cobra Lunch

The t.v. screen goes blank, then green,
Split by a serpent's pupil, black.
Down glowing matrix glass, a track
Of dead cells slice.

Stunned like a rat, pink-nosed and fat,
'Neath shadows of the sheaves of grain,
Slumped, mesmerized, in awe of Pain,
I hear soft words that reassure
"Don't fffear! Don't move! Don't even sssstir!"
Hiss-words my sad, small self entice.

The galaxies wheel back and freeze
My steady heart to ice.
O cobra saint, unwarm, unquaint!
Sink onto knees! Oh no! Oh please!

Despair is Joy! The spirit longs!
-- Attention! Rapture! Welcome fangs! --
Longs to endure swift venom pure,

And bid adieu to air.

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