Monday 14 March 2016

Working hard at university courses. Sorry, faithful followers of this blog. Long delay since my last post. I've been a bit occupied. 

I also have been following every nuance of the US primary races. Interesting. And "interesting" is an interesting word. 

a clip of an article from the Guardian, Mar. 30, 1932


The [anti-Nazi paramilitary] Reichsbanner is growing rapidly, flying columns are being organised. The leaders are having some trouble in restraining their men, for hatred of the Nazis and resentment for the toleration shown them by a partisan government and bitterness for the falsehoods that are allowed to appear in their newspapers, while the anti-Fascist newspapers are continually being censored or suppressed, are boiling up into a burning and general fury. But if the Reichsbanner were to retaliate, storm the Nazi barracks, it would totally suppressed. Thus the anti-Fascist movement that grows in numbers and efficiency remains on the defensive.

Will a whole nation, one of of the greatest and most civilised in the world, be handed over to the brute, the blackguard, and the charlatan? 


The demagogues are harmless clowns ...until they aren't. 

Now comes an interesting test of democracy. Donald must be confronted by reasoning and evidence. If we give in to baiting, name-calling, physical assaults at meetings, and so on, the struggle will be lost. This is why I post no cartoons or other graphics lampooning Donald or anyone else today. Too incendiary. 

But democracy can work. For example, all of the studies show that all the waves of immigrants that came to the US and Canada were net gains for our two countries. Mexicans, Syrians ...will be the same. The Germans can get real work out of the Turks - who began coming there in numbers forty years ago. Some of the workers from the former Eastern rump German state, not so much. To be more accurate, the Turko-Germans are mostly now viewed as Germans and they think of themselves as such. Keep saying these things. 

Take on the Donalds with reasoning and evidence, my American friends. Quiet, but firm and persistent. You have a right to be a nagging parent. After the shouting dies down, the voices of decency and sense do get heard. You just have to hang in there. 

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