Wednesday 12 February 2020


   Image result for hospital entrance

                     (Mark Buckawicki, Wikimedia Commons)                     

                               Hearing The Cry For Help

Denise was in intensive care

Charts, tubes, pumped stomach stench.

The day could not assert itself.

Vague stratus cover thinned over cumulus clumps to almost-blue.

Street noises muted.

Sixteen kilometres away,
The scuffed tile in the classroom wore on,
Dully resenting shoes and teenage desks,
Perennial as their yak-hah noise.

While up in Mercy General
Across several strips of asphalt


She lay,

pushing off commitment, 
pushing off life and death at once,

with a line of light
Not quite flat.

   File:Classroom 3rd floor.JPG

                   (credit: Motown 31, Wikimedia Commons) 

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