Friday 10 April 2020

                               Triple star sunset 
               (credit: SnoopY, via Wikimedia Commons)

A Failed Experiment

Grief, wonder, fear, rage, ecstasy I'd known
Then, humans gave me loathing - new, but rank.
They came, they spread, refining all the modes
Of bully, whine, and glut to subtlety,
Mad-gorged on every decent thing they met,
Things that they'd neither earned, nor won, nor made,
And then gorged on each other, nauseous.
Excreting, spewing acid-ruined heaps,
They mewled pretentious grievances to me,
Who by devoted care had justice fused
Into each, every single minute quark.

At last, the swollen vileness burst.
I wrenched away and thus reversed


The forests shrunk and screaming fauna youthed,
Leapt into wailing mothers, youthing still.
The rivers ran clean, purer, on uphill
To sparkling streamlets, till each tiny rill
Was finely sponged by thirsting sod and earth.

Green-shadowed turf then trembled, shook, and shot
The waves of crystal bullet rain to skies.
Clouds blackly swirled down slopes of thinning air
To shred above a heaving sea of froth.

Mass ocean shimmered light thus back in sheets,
Up t'ward a roaring, pulsing blue-white sun.

The starry avalanche geometrized,
And suddenly Kind Sol is swallowing
Earth, Neptune, Icarus, the moons, the rest....

So sun to sun to arced Andromeda,
Successions of unknown sensations reel,
Undoing meaning, drawing toward The Word.

I groan and wring the last exertion forth,
And draw all into Singularity,
Then sink ... dull ... comatose ... nay, all but dead.

All this -- Yea! All! -- tomorrow morn was done
That Love might grant-be-granted one last run.


                                                  Scene From The Apocalypse 
                   (credit: Francis Danby, via Wikimedia Commons)

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