Friday 27 June 2014

Special Note to visitors to this blog: 

I have re-written Chapter 12 of the book being posted here in substantial ways, especially Part C. The changes and additions have, I think, strengthened the force of the overall argument. 

Authors of traditional books typically put thank-yous and disclaimers at the starts of their works. Usually, they will say that any shortcomings in the book are their own fault, not the responsibility of any of their advisers or editors. 

Authors online, on the other hand, have to show at least some flaws and false starts to the world, along with, if they are honest, the efforts they have made to amend the parts of their work that they are unhappy with. 

I was not satisfied with my 12th chapter. I have fixed it, I think, so that it is more comprehensive and rigorous. 

Now we can get on with our journey to theism. Thank you for bearing with me. 


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