Saturday 9 August 2014

Dream of Heroes

Is any man's best hero e'er himself?

The pictures in my head ... I touch them up.
The tones can be enhanced by subtle shades.
A feature here obscured or there re-traced
My image of the Hero, 'gainst the sky
Could be torn out -- blood-fringed -- but not erased
Not changed in size or posture very much
A giant form, impassioned, strong ... and such.
Too large ever to fill? By God, no way!
I'll die. I'll burn in Hell before I'll say
I've shrunk my dream to match the everyday!

To live and never dream lives not at all;
It wanders numb, not knowing Awe or Fear.
To dream and never live is to love Death
And be a coward Joy will not come near.

But dream of dreaming, life becomes a song
A rapt, unending, haunting melody
With rhythms deep, insistent, intricate
And lyrics strange, of words and thoughts outlawed

That swell a singer's certainty of God. 

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