Now, friends, I must let it simmer for a while. Holidays with my wife. I'll be back soon. Hopefully two weeks or so. If you like the idea that moral values can be seen as being real as gravity or electromagnetism and that belief in God is possible and even logical for a thinking, educated person in today's world, please pass the URL for this blog on to a friend or two. Tell them the latest iteration of my book begins last April.
I care about the world and especially my species. There is no ulterior motive for me; this page has purposely been designed not to take in money and I intend to stick to that policy.
And love the ones around you.
And make beauty whenever you can. It is much stronger and more durable than you might at first think. Beauty is a survivor. Beauty guards herself by asserting her beauty ...right out in the open for all to see. She is so fine, so lovely that she disarms and even reverses hate, cruelty, and violence before they can raise a hand.

Bryce Canyon
I care about the world and especially my species. There is no ulterior motive for me; this page has purposely been designed not to take in money and I intend to stick to that policy.
And love the ones around you.
And make beauty whenever you can. It is much stronger and more durable than you might at first think. Beauty is a survivor. Beauty guards herself by asserting her beauty ...right out in the open for all to see. She is so fine, so lovely that she disarms and even reverses hate, cruelty, and violence before they can raise a hand.

Bryce Canyon
Pastel yellows, rouges, oranges,
Cliffs of Bryce like giant sentries:
“Old men’s faces will not mar us,
George’s, Abe’s, or Tom’s or Teddy’s.”
Beauty guards Herself with Beauty.

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