Sunday 20 August 2017

Dear readers:

I am in Oregon to see the total eclipse of the sun. I will not be posting for a few days. Wherever you are, enjoy this eclipse if you can. They only come once or twice in any person's lifetime. The fact that they can be predicted to within a few minutes in time and a few meters in geographic location by astrophysicists is by itself a miracle of Science.

As I recommence with posting my book in a couple of days, I will affirm over and over again that I absolutely believe that Science is our best way to truth, to ways of understanding the universe that work, i.e. that enable us to successfully predict future events sometimes with good degrees of probability, sometimes excellent degrees of probability, and sometimes virtual certainty.

As we shall see in my last three chapters, I do not believe God in spite of the fact that I believe also in Science. I believe in God because I believe in Science. In fact for me, the theistic belief is not just compatible with the scientistic belief; the first is the second.

But more on these matters starting on Thursday of this week. For now, grandkids and total eclipse in Oregon. Enjoy your next few days.


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