Friday 21 October 2016

Chapter 2 – Why We Have to Find a New Moral System
                                                     William Butler Yeats (credit: Wikimedia Commons)  

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

—from “The Second Coming” by W.B. Yeats, 1919

When our idea of God began to erode, so did our ideas of right and wrong, and when those ideas began to erode, we became the society that Yeats described in his great poem “The Second Coming.” We live in a time in which some of the most immoral of citizens are filled with “passionate intensity”: fraud artists call themselves entrepreneurs; Mafia thugs claim sincerely that they are merely soldiers in one more kind of war; warmonger generals tout their indispensability. In short, these people see themselves as moral beings, even heroic ones. Meanwhile, some of what should be society’s best citizens “lack all conviction.”
For example, it would seem logical that people in the science-driven countries of the West, in looking for moral direction, should turn to their experts, the scientists, and most especially, the ones who specialize in the study of human societies, their value systems, and the morĂ©s they spawn. These include the actions people perform, the oral and written statements they make about which acts are “good”, and the rationales they give to justify their actions. In the West, these experts are our sociologists and anthropologists.
But social scientists in the West have no moral direction to offer their fellow citizens. In fact, they have given up on trying to define right and wrong. In their writings, they question whether “values” exist in any real way at all. Ruth Benedict, the American anthropologist, put it succinctly: “Morality differs in every society, and is a convenient term for socially approved habits.”1

Some even go over to the offence and question what it is that science is seeking. Are scientists seeking the truth about reality? If not, what exactly are they seeking? The varied answers to this question are all parts of a raging controversy in the universities of the world right now.

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