Saturday 13 June 2015


High in the mountains far, far from my home,

I stood upon a barren peak alone,

The dawning of the twenty-first of June,

And as foretold by lore in ancient runes,

A ray fell on the valley floor and showed the outline of a door,

Etched faintly in the surface of the stone.

The amulet I'd carried through the wars
Hung round my neck, upon a leather cord,
And yes, it fit the niche cut in the stone,
And yes, the door swung open on its own,
And then, within, by torchlight glare, I read the scrolls enclosèd there,
The key to all the myths we've ever known.

You ask of Truth to ask no change of you,
The one thing that the Truth can never do,
And so we now must go our separate ways,
There's nothing more that I'm allowed say.
But this one meme I can explain:  Your kind must always learn by pain.
Some kinds die out so others can renew.

So many signs you still ignore; she's crying from her very core.

The sweetest flower the cosmos ever grew. 

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