Monday 8 June 2015

Siddhartha's Song

So subtle to discern Art leading Life
Suspend the Beauty, Truth, and Love mirage
Just up ahead
So near you'll surely grasp

Make nympho-fans, undress, back-stage ...on fire

Or grey-haired bankers nod wise, patient heads

the knowing, stoic mothers nobly bear

Ah, heroes all!

O Genius!
So pounce and seize the muse.
Compose your plays and songs to right the world

But to what melody?
And toward whose "right"?

The vision that informs the sad, still eyes
That now see lies in truths and truths in lies
(All sides of every rainbowed gem deceive.)
Will now believe that he should just believe.
In what? What does it matter what? Believe.
A spiral can converge eternally.

O chanting Eastern mystics lead me home!
I am prepared to sit and chat with Death.
A single sigh for my abandoned life
Is not too much to ask or in bad taste

Is it?

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