Wednesday 12 April 2017

Good day, faithful followers of this blog space. 

I have been struggling for the last few months with whether or not I should post my book, in manageable segments, of course, one ...last ...time. 

But someone I love very dearly has told me that it is still a bit too esoteric for most ordinary readers. Too many unfamiliar words and unnecessarily long sentences.  

It is ordinary folk who care about what right or wrong are that I want to reach and touch. 

So I swear by all that is holy to me - and I do still believe in God - this really will be the last time I re-write and re-post this manuscript. The changes will be small and they will be intended to make my meaning as crystal clear as I can possibly make it. 

After that, I am going to get a few hundred copies printed, give them to family and friends, and let it go. It has consumed enough of my life. 

The root cause of my obsession is that I do love the human species, my species, and I can see very clearly that it is going in a very bad direction. Moral relativism. Postmodernism. We'll talk about what those are soon. 

Tomorrow we begin again. One last time. And I swear, though I've said this twice before, this really is the last time. 

Keep believing in your ideals. It's the believing itself that really matters. As long as you have that burning in you, you will find your way to truth. We hunger and thirst for what the old texts call "righteousness". I am 67 and I can tell you for certain that does not go away. 

This old man will now do what he can, one more time, to feed that hunger. We cannot live by bread alone; we need some true things to believe in. I think I have found what those are. 

Till tomorrow. 


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