Handling reality: vaccination (credit: Andrew McGalliard, via Wikimedia Commons)
Some ways of thinking
enhance our chances of finding health and survival. Tribes are always seeking those ways. The ways of thinking that seem to work most effectively
over generations are the ones we keep and teach to our kids. Conversely, people
who live by principles and values that don’t work in reality don’t survive and,
therefore, don’t have children. In short, principles and values can be
understood as proven techniques for sorting sense data and responding to real
life. Values help us to organize our sense data and our memories of sense data.
Over generations, they help tribe members, individually and jointly, to
formulate effective plans of action in timely ways. In modern terms, values "inform" our thinking. Since reality is always changing, our values must evolve also, though as I said above, it is sometimes only by the pain of famine, plague, or war that we make values changes.
So let’s consider the
ways in which early humans probably formed and used early principles. Early
hunting and gathering tribes, for example, taught their young people methods of
killing elk, fish, birds, mammoths, and so on. Crush or sever the spine, right where it
enters the skull. Or pierce the heart. Or cut the throat. Study the tracks and
droppings. If the tracks are in new snow, or the droppings are still steaming,
the animal is close by. There were many species to hunt and many ways to stalk
and kill each of them. Over time, the thoughtful - "thought full" - tribes
thrived best and multiplied.
A hunter needed far too
many behaviors in his repertoire for those behaviors to be learned or called up
one at a time, so hunting principles were invented. In nearly all cases, hunters
found it useful to recall general rules about what they’d seen and been taught
about their target/prey animal’s habits. Using these more general principles, the
hunters would try to anticipate what the animal would do in the upcoming
encounter, on this particular day and in this terrain. The hunters would then
prepare psychologically for violent, team-coordinated, physical action—if the
hunt was to be a successful one.
The exact process by
which each kill would be made could not be known in advance, but the hunters
knew that they would need to act with intelligence (in the planning stage),
then skill and courage (in the doing stage). At the most general level,
successful hunting tribes needed to teach the values that we call courage and wisdom to
their young in order for their young to have better chances of surviving,
reproducing, and passing the same values on to their children. Again, it is
worth noting that the mechanism of human evolution discussed here is not a
genetic one but a sociocultural, behavioral one, and it requires conceptual

drawings in Magura cave, Bulgaria (credit: Nk, via Wikimedia Commons)
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