Sunday 12 April 2015

                  Chapter 13                                    Part C 

            First, then, what are the values that enable humans to respond to the main consequence of entropy, the unceasing, uphill struggle of life, the quality of life that we know as “adversity”?   
          A whole array of values should be taught to young people to enable them to deal with adversity. In order to deal well with adversity, a society needs large numbers of people willing and even eager to face constant struggle, exertion, exhaustion, and pain. A society proves most effective, in fact, if its citizens take up the offensive against the relentless decay of the universe. In short, a society proves most durable if its children are taught to like challenge. These children become adults who seek to bring new territories (planets?) under their tribe's control, and to devise new ways of growing and storing food, building shelters, etc. - ways of accomplishing more work with less human exertion (i.e. by new technologies) - and, in general, constantly performing the tasks of survival more efficiently.

            When we generalize about what these entropy-driven behavior clusters have in common, we derive two giant values; they are, in English, the ones called "courage" and "wisdom".

            Under different names, courage is instilled in the young in societies all over the world, which is what we would expect if it really does work. Bergson spoke of "élan", Nietzsche of the "will to power"(1.), both celebrating, rather than inventing, the concept of courage. Japanese samurai lived by bushido, their code of total discipline, and European nations lived by a similar code, chivalry, right into modern times. But over centuries, beyond difficulties of translation from culture to culture and era to era, we see in all these values a common motif: they all direct their disciples to train themselves to persevere through challenges and obstacles of all kinds, even to seek challenge out. Achilles chose a brief, hard life of honor over a longer, easier one of obscurity. For centuries, the ancient Greeks considered him to be a model of a man, as do some people in all nations that have absorbed ancient Greek culture to this day. Many other cultures have similar heroes.   

                                               Brad Pitt as Achilles in the movie "Troy" (2004)

                                                                 Apache leader Crazy Horse (c.1881) 

                                    Henry Cele as Shaka in t.v. series "Shaka Zulu" (1986)

                                                         Jet Li as Huo Yuanjia in "Fearless"

            Confucius said that the superior man thinks always of virtue, while the common man thinks always of comfort. 19th century English writer K. H. Digby put it this way: "Chivalry is only a name for that general spirit or state of mind which disposes men to heroic actions, and keeps them conversant with all that is beautiful and sublime in the intellectual and moral world." (2.)

            The exhortation to meet, and even seek, adversity, and to defend one's way of life, echoes through all societies. Young people are exhorted to face hazards in defense and promotion of their nation and its way of life. We can most conveniently sum up the gist of all of these values by saying that they are built around the principle that in English is called “courage”. 
            It is familiar and cliché to exhort young people to aspire to courage. Clichés get to be clichés because they express something true. Amid the chaotic background of the physical universe, life strives to create stable, growing pockets of order. In the case of humans, it does so by programming into young people the whole constellation of values around the prime value called "courage". From this prime value, behaviors that meet and overcome adversities of all kinds flow, and societies that believe in courage survive better because of that belief.  


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