answer to this critique which appears to find a severe limitation on Bayesianism's usefulness as a model for explaining human behavior is disturbing. The problem is not that the Bayesian
model doesn’t work as an explanation of human behavior and thinking. The
problem is rather that the Bayesian model of human thinking and the behaviors
driven by that thinking works too well. The irrational, un-Bayesian behaviors individuals engage in are not proof of Bayesianism’s inadequacy, but rather proof of
how it applies to the thinking, learning, and behavior of individuals, but also
to the thinking, learning, and behavior of whole communities and even whole
Societies continually evolve and change because they each contain some people who are naturally
curious. These curious people constantly imagine and test new ideas and new
ways of doing things like getting food, raising kids, fighting off invaders, healing
the sick—any of the things the society must do in order to carry on. Often,
other subgroups in society view any new idea or way of doing things as
threatening to their most deeply held beliefs. If the adherents of the new idea
keep demonstrating that their idea works and that the more intransigent group’s
old ways are obsolete, then the larger society will usually marginalize the
less effectual members and their ideas. In this way, a society
mirrors what an individual does when he finds a better way of growing corn or
teaching kids or easing Papa’s arthritic pain. In this way, we adapt—as
individuals, but more profoundly, as societies—to new lands and markets and to
new technologies such as vaccinations, cars, televisions, computers, and so on.
Farmers, teachers, and healers who cling to obsolete methods are simply passed
by, eventually even by their own grand-kids.
then there are the more disturbing cases, the ones that caused me to write nearly always above. Sometimes large minorities
or even majorities of citizens hang on to obsolete concepts and ways.
Bayesian model of human thinking works well, most of the time, to explain how
individuals form and evolve their basic idea systems. Most of the time, it also
can explain how a whole community, tribe, or nation can grow and change its
sets of beliefs, thinking styles, customs, and practices. But can it account
for the times when majorities in a society do not embrace a new way in spite of
the Bayesian calculations showing the idea is sound and useful? In short, can
the Bayesian model explain the dark side of tribalism?
Nazi party rally, 1934. Tribalism at its worst (credit: Wikimedia Commons)
we saw in our last chapter, for the most part, individuals become willing to
drop a set of ideas that seems to be losing its effectiveness when they encounter
a new set of ideas that looks more promising. They embrace the new ideas that
perform well, that guide the individual well through the hazards of real life.
Similarly, at the tribal level, whole societies usually drop paradigms, and the
ways of thinking and living based on those paradigms, when citizens repeatedly
see that the old ideas are no longer working and that a set of new ideas is
getting better results. Sometimes, on the level of radical social change, this
mechanism can cause societies to marginalize or ostracize subcultures that
refuse to let go of the old ways. Cars and "car people" marginalized the horse
culture within a generation. Assembly line factories brought the unit cost of
goods down until millions who had once thought that they would never have a
car or a t.v. bought one on payments and owned it in a year. When the new factories came in, the old small-scale
shop in which sixteen men made whole cars, one at a time, was obsolete.
point is that when a new subculture with new beliefs and ways keeps getting
good results, and the old subculture keeps proving ineffectual by comparison,
the majority usually do make the switch to the new way—of chipping flint,
growing corn, spearing fish, making arrows, weaving cloth, building ships,
forging gun barrels, dispersing capital to the enterprises with the best growth
potential, or connecting a computer to the net.
is also important to note here that, for most new paradigms and practices, the
tests applied to them over the decades only confirm that the old way is still
better. Most new ideas are tested and found to be less effective than the
established ones. Only rarely does a superior one come along.
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