As an acceptable alternative to the study of brain
structure and chemistry, scientists interested in thought also study patterns
of behaviour in organisms like rats, pigeons, and people that are stimulated in
controlled, replicable ways. We can, for example, try to train rats to work for
wages. This kind of study is the focus of behavioural psychology. (See William Baum’s
2004 book Understanding Behaviorism.8)
As a third alternative, we can even try to program
computers to do things that are as similar as possible to the things humans do.
Play chess. Knit. Write poetry. Cook meals. If the computers then behave in
humanlike ways, we should be able to infer some tentative, testable conclusions
about what human thinking and knowing are from the programs that enabled these
computers to behave so much like humans. This kind of research is done in a
branch of computer science called Artificial Intelligence or AI.
To many empiricist philosophers and scientists, AI
seems to offer the best hope of defining, once and for all, a base for their
way of thinking that can explain all of human thinking’s abstract processes and
that is also materially observable. A program either runs or it doesn’t, and
every line in it can be examined. If we could write a program that made a computer
imitate human conversation so well that we couldn’t tell which was the computer
responding and which was the human, we would have encoded what thinking is.
With the rise of AI, scientists felt that they had a beginning point beyond the
challenges of the critics of empiricism with their endless counterexamples. (A
layman’s view on how AI is faring can be found in Thomas Meltzer’s article in The Guardian, 17/4/2012.9)
Testability and replicability of the tests, I
repeat, are the characteristics of modern empiricism and of all Science. All
else, to modern empiricists, has as much reality and as much reliability to it
as creatures in a fantasy novel … amusing daydreams, nothing more.

Kurt Gödel (credit: Wikimedia Commons)
For years, the most optimistic of the empiricists
were looking to AI for models of thinking that would work in the real world.
Their position has been cut down in several ways since those early days. What
exploded it for many was the proof found by Kurt Gödel, Einstein’s companion
during his lunch hour walks at Princeton. Gödel showed that no rigorous system
of symbols for expressing the most basic of human thinking routines can be a
complete system. (In Gödel’s proof, the ideas he analyzed were
basic axioms in arithmetic.) Gödel’s
proof is difficult for laypersons to follow, but non-mathematicians don’t need
to be able to do that formal logic in order to grasp what his proof implies
about everyday thinking. (See Hofstadter for an accessible critique of Gödel.10)

Douglas Hofstadter (credit: Wikipedia)
If we take what it says about arithmetic and extend
that finding to all kinds of human thinking, Gödel’s proof says no symbol
system exists for expressing our thoughts that will ever be good enough to allow
us to express and discuss all the new ideas human minds can dream up.
Furthermore, in principle, there can’t ever be any such system. In short, what
a human programmer does is not programmable.
What Gödel’s proof suggests is that no way of modelling the human mind
will ever adequately explain what it does. Not in English, Logic, French,
Russian, Chinese, Java, C++, or Martian. We will always be able to generate
thoughts, questions, and statements that we can’t express in any one symbol
system. If we find a system that can be used to encode some of our favorite
ideas really well, we only discover that no matter how well the system is
designed, no matter how large or subtle it is, we have other thoughts that we
can’t express at all in that system. Yet we have to make statements that at
least attempt, more or less adequately, to communicate our ideas. Science, like
most human endeavors, is social. It has to be shared in order to advance.
Other theorems in Computer Science offer support for
Gödel’s theorem. For example, in the early days of the development of
computers, programmers were continually creating programs with loops in them.
After a program had been written, when it was run it would sometimes become
stuck in a subroutine that would repeat a sequence of steps from, say, line 79
to line 511 then back to line 79, again and again. Whenever a program contained
this kind of flaw, a human being had to stop the computer, go over the program,
find why the loop was occurring, then either rewrite the loop or write around
it. The work was frustrating and time consuming.
Soon, a few programmers got the idea of writing a
kind of meta-program they hoped would act as a check. It would scan other
programs, find their loops, and fix them, or at least point them out to
programmers so they could be fixed. The programmers knew that writing a
"check" program would be difficult, but once it was written, it would
save many people a great deal of time.
However, progress on the
writing of this check program met with problem after problem. Eventually, Alan
Turing published a proof showing that writing a check program was not possible.
A foolproof algorithm for finding loops in other algorithms is, in
principle, not possible. (See “Halting Problem” in Wikipedia.11) This
finding in Computer Science, the science many people see as our bridge between
the abstractness of thinking and the concreteness of material reality, is Gödel
all over again. It confirms our deepest feelings about empiricism. It is
doomed to remain incomplete.
The possibilities for
arguments and counter-arguments on this topic are fascinating, but for our
purposes in trying to find a base for a philosophical system and a moral code,
the conclusion is much simpler. The more we study both the theoretical points
and the real-world evidence, including evidence from Science itself, the more
we’re driven to conclude that the empiricist way of seeing or understanding
what thinking and knowing are will probably never be able to explain itself.
Empiricism’s own methods have ruled out the possibility of an unshakable
empiricist beginning point for epistemology. (What is the meaning of the word
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